Take two they’re small. That’s something I’ve heard a lot while growing up. It’s a phrase I heard from my dad, who taught it to me. See he had learned it from his Grandmother. When there were cookies or treats to be had she would offer them up but say as all good grandmas would, “take two, they’re small.”. So when growing up it was something I heard, and as I learned the story behind it, it had become fun and something to say when ever we wanted a reason to indulge. “another bowl of ice cream eh dad?” “yea, take two, they’re small.”. Cute story, but this is a blog about video and marketing, what does your that one very specific memory have to do with anything? Well im glad you asked.
Take two, or more
You have seen the light when it comes to using video, you’ve bit the bullet and produced a very nice piece, you put it on YouTube then embedded it on your web page. Right there on the home page for all to see, in all of its video marketing glory. You dust your shoulder off and wait for the phone to ring, or the emails to pour in, whatever your call to action was in the video. You did have a call to action right? more on that in another post I’m sure. Your home page video may be doing well for you, but how many parts are there to your sales/marketing funnel? More than one. Your video covers one aspect of that funnel. Video is a great tool, but only if you use it properly.
Sure you have crafted a great video even with a call to action, but is the video calling them to the right action at the right time? This is where “take two, the’re small” comes in. Videos are easily ingested, you do it quickly and want another one, just like looking at that plate of cookies. it was small, tasted great, made you happy but lets face it, it was small and now you want another one. Are you giving your customers another one?Lets stick with the example we had before, you have a single web page video and it tells the story of your company and gets people interested in you and your products or services. The video is over and they look around your site and find your product or services tab, they are already interested in the company from the previous video, but they get to the products page and just see products or services with no real way to learn more other than just clicking on or reading every option, something that really isn’t likely to happen. Now that user is more likely to purchase because of that first video, but you can increase the likely hood of conversion if you have another video explaining your products or services. Its like walking into a nice store, you’re greeted warmly by the owner or sales person and they walk you through what they do and what they offer. You get information and engagement at every point in your experience. You leave feeling like you got great one on one personal service. You then may even go tell someone about that awesome experience you had. That’s what quality video at each part of the funnel will achieve.
You know that quality video increases conversion, shortens the sales cycle, builds rapport, connects customers to you and your products and offers something to truly engage with. If you offer that to your customers every step of the way it can only mean good things for your bottom line.
So, when it comes to quality video, take two, they’re small.
Please share any Grandma or Dad wisdom you may have learned over the years, leave a comment below.
Or, can you think of one specific area of your funnel you could improve with video? Let me know in the comments section below.
And if you’re ready for a quality video for any or all parts of your sales funnel, contact me, the form is at the bottom of any page.